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LV Plantas

Hoya Skinneriana, “Dee’s Big One” , Pre-Planted

Hoya Skinneriana, “Dee’s Big One” , Pre-Planted

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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Discover the effortless beauty of our 5-inch Fully Potted Semi-hydro Plant, expertly curated by LV Plantas. We've taken care of the groundwork for you by pre-potting your plant in a sleek white self-watering pot, complete with LECA, Complete Focus nutrients, and, of course, the vibrant plant itself. Experience the ease of plant care with this all-inclusive purchase, perfect for bringing a touch of nature into any space.

Rare - Hoya 'Skinneriana'

The leaves of Hoya Skinneriana are its most striking feature. They are succulent, thick, and leathery. The shape of the leaves is broadly ovate or elliptical, with a glossy surface and prominent veins. The leaf color varies from dark green to deep burgundy, depending on the light levels and growing conditions. The emerging leaves often have a reddish tint, which adds to the plant's visual appeal.

The flowers are borne in clusters, which consist of numerous individual flowers. Each flower is star-shaped and has a waxy texture, with five pointed petals that curve backward. The color of the flowers can vary, but they are commonly seen in shades of white or cream, often with a pink or purple tinge.

In terms of care, Hoya Skinneriana thrives in bright, indirect light. Sun stressing can be applied to potentially enhance the coloration of its foliage. Always, monitor the plant closely during this process to prevent it from getting burned or damaged by excessive light or heat.

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