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LV Plantas

Rhipsalis Cacti Paradoxa, Pre-Planted

Rhipsalis Cacti Paradoxa, Pre-Planted

Regular price $56.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $56.00 USD
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Discover the effortless beauty of our 5-inch Fully Potted Semi-hydro Plant, expertly curated by LV Plantas. We've taken care of the groundwork for you by pre-potting your plant in a sleek white self-watering pot, complete with LECA, Complete Focus nutrients, and, of course, the vibrant plant itself. Experience the ease of plant care with this all-inclusive purchase, perfect for bringing a touch of nature into any space.

Rare - Rhipsalis Paradoxa

The Rhipsalis Paradoxa, commonly known as the mistletoe cactus or chain cactus, is a species of epiphytic cactus.

Rhipsalis Paradoxa has an unusual growth habit, which sets it apart from other cacti. It forms long, pendant, and cascading stems that resemble chains or ropes. These stems can grow to impressive lengths, sometimes reaching several feet. The stems are segmented and consist of flattened, narrow, and elongated leaf-like structures called cladodes. The cladodes are typically green but may exhibit reddish or purplish tinges, depending on the light exposure and environmental conditions.

The mistletoe cactus produces small, inconspicuous flowers that are usually white or cream-colored. These blooms are followed by small, spherical berries that can be white, pink, or red when ripe. The berries provide a striking contrast against the greenery of the plant.

This cactus is often cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its unique appearance and low maintenance requirements. It is well-suited for hanging baskets or mounted on vertical surfaces, allowing its pendant stems to cascade down attractively. Rhipsalis Paradoxa prefers bright, indirect light and thrives in slightly humid conditions.

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