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LV Plantas

Hoya Krinkle Eight, Pre-Planted

Hoya Krinkle Eight, Pre-Planted

Regular price $44.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $44.00 USD
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Discover the effortless beauty of our 5-inch Fully Potted Semi-hydro Plant, expertly curated by LV Plantas. We've taken care of the groundwork for you by pre-potting your plant in a sleek white self-watering pot, complete with LECA, Complete Focus nutrients, and, of course, the vibrant plant itself. Experience the ease of plant care with this all-inclusive purchase, perfect for bringing a touch of nature into any space.

Rare - Hoya Krinkle Eight

The 'Krinkle 8' features thick, waxy leaves that are deeply textured with an intriguing crinkled or dimpled surface, hence the name "Krinkle 8." The leaves are dark green, slightly curled, and have a glossy finish, giving the plant a striking appearance. The unique leaf texture adds a tactile element to the plant's visual appeal.

Is known for its beautiful, star-shaped flowers that grow in clusters called umbels. The flowers are typically pink or white with a darker pink or red center, and they have a waxy texture similar to the leaves. They emit a sweet fragrance, especially in the evening, and usually bloom in the warmer months when the plant is mature and healthy.

This plant thrives in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct morning sunlight but should be protected from the harsh, direct afternoon sun, which can scorch the leaves. It can adapt to lower light conditions, but flowering may be less prolific in such environments.

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