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LV Plantas

Hoya Obovata Splash, Pre-Planted

Hoya Obovata Splash, Pre-Planted

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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Discover the effortless beauty of our 5-inch Fully Potted Semi-hydro Plant, expertly curated by LV Plantas. We've taken care of the groundwork for you by pre-potting your plant in a sleek white self-watering pot, complete with LECA, Complete Focus nutrients, and, of course, the vibrant plant itself. Experience the ease of plant care with this all-inclusive purchase, perfect for bringing a touch of nature into any space.

Rare - Hoya Obovata Splash

Hoya Obovata is a captivating plant with obovate-shaped leaves, clusters of fragrant flowers, and a vining growth habit. Its lush foliage and delightful blooms make it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.

The leaves of Hoya Obovata are the main highlight of this plant. They are fleshy, thick, and obovate-shaped, hence the common name. Obovate leaves are widest near the tip and taper towards the base, creating a distinctive rounded or oval shape. The leaves have a glossy texture and deep green color, sometimes with a hint of silver variegation along the veins. The leaves grow opposite each other on trailing stems, forming lush foliage.

The flowers of Hoya Obovata are typically creamy white or pale yellow, with a deep maroon or reddish-brown corona in the center. The corona, often described as a crown or star, has a unique texture and adds visual interest to the overall appearance of the flowers. The fragrance of the blooms is sweet and pleasant.

Hoya Obovata prefers bright, indirect light. It thrives in moderate to bright indoor light or filtered sunlight.

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